This week, we tackled the new FF series, with everything that’s happened from issue 1 to the brand new 4. We’ve been enjoying it quite a bit, and the new interactions between Spider-Man and the remaining Fantastic Four members are proving to be a perfect blend of humor and action.

We also discussed the Ultimate Death of Spider-Man as well as the Ultimate Avengers tie-in; both fun reads, though the length of this event is starting to cause it to lose steam… not to mention the knowledge of a replacement Spider-Man already planned.

We also ranted about Alpha Flight, each for our own reasons. Vince hates that a brand new series requires a point one issue (and I agree). I just didn’t enjoy the issue at all. I also ranted about the way it has been handled in the past and what appears to be on the horizon for it now. For the record, when I said there isn’t a Canadian writer on it, I meant the current incarnation, not the original series… though truth be told, I didn’t know John Byrne had lived in Canada for a stint. A point of correction for Vince, Byrne was born in England and moved to Canada when he was 8.

Does that make him any less Canadian? Naw…. I just like pointing out when Vince doesn’t have all of his facts right.


FF #1-4
Ultimate Spider-Man #158 (and Ultimate Avengers)

What We’re Reading

Vince: The Korvac Saga
Roger: X-Men (getting caught up) and Giant Size #1, The Walking Dead 85 (including funny fan letters), Alpha Flight 0.1

New Releases


Amazing Spider-Man #622
Captain America #618
FF #4
Incredible Hulks #629
Mighty Thor #2
Power Man and Iron Fist #5
Ruse #3
Secret Avengers #13
Uncanny X-Men #537
Venom #3
Wolverine #9
X-Men Legacy #249
5 Ronin HC


Green Lantern #66
Green Lantern Corps #60
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #10
Xombi #3


Incorruptible #18
Traveler #7
Super Dinosaur #2

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